Dumb Answer of the Week
What Happens When You Speak Before You Think

October 2nd - October 8th, 2010

Text by: Robert Seidelman

Oddly enough, I couldn't find a candidate for the award that truly fit the bill this week.  I mean, even on Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader, I couldn't find it.  However, last week I was legitimately torn between winners.  However with all the response that a certain Family Feud answer has gotten, I absolutely have to comment on it and give it it's just due.  So, albeit 1 week late, here's the Family Feud answer heard round the internet world.

Here she is, the bearer of the answer, Secily Wilson.

To say that she was in between a rock and a hard place was an understatement.  Her partner, when I cover the entire fast money next year, only got her 23 points.  I mean, at least it isn't as bad as an astounding 4 that one contestant got during the Combs era. 

Steve then gives her the spiel that she could do it and she'll be fine.  All the number one answers are up there, so she'll be fine.  Now, let's get started.  And the fun immediately begins.

Steve:  We asked 100 Men:  Name a part of your body that is bigger than when you were 16.

Secily: His Penis

Steve's reaction to this, along with the crowd reactions and Secily's reaction are priceless.  If you could paint this sort of picture by their reactions.  It would be hung at the Guggenheim Museum.  After the clock runs out, she said at least used the medical term.  In a fit of Harvey Wisdom, he layeth the smackethdown.

"I don't care what you said.  You could have said dingaling, winky, any damn thing what the hell.  It ain't gonna sound right.  The Medical Term is almost worse.  A slang term would have at least said, your dingaling.  But PENIS!  Ohohoh."

Then we get to the big board for that one and it got el Zippo.  Stomach being the #1 answer to which Secily said that she was close.  So one more great bit of Harvey Wisdom to end it.

"If it's that big, you wouldn't see it anyway."

I'm truly looking forward to inducting this entire Fast Money next year.  But for now, She'll always have a Dumb Answer Of The Week award.

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