Year 5 & Beyond
Originally posted: September 10th, 2014

By Cyndi Seidelman

If one word can describe Year 5 here at Game Show Garbage, that would be "Reinvigoration".  With the addition of Tooncrap with Raymond Gallant, Video Game Garbage, The Games Of '90 and more, it has been an up year for the site after what happened the year before.  Not only that, the video inductions for the site have been very well received by those who have watched them and have been getting glowing reviews by those who have seen them.  It seems like after this year, we'd be riding high for awhile.

However, here comes the switch.  I am having fun, but not as much as you'd think with Game Show Garbage.  It's gotten to the point where after 5 years and 180 "inductions", it's becoming more and more like work and not very fun, which is why I've been putting more effort into The Games Of '90 and other ventures.  So, come this time next year, I will close down Game Show Garbage as a regular series, meaning the count will come out to a little over 200.  The Games Of '90 will become the main focus of the site, in which the show will also expand to cover the entire decade of the 90s and games in general, such as video games, game shows & even sporting games as well. 

The schedule will also see some changing as well.  Price Is Wrong month will stay in January, and the rest will be stuff that I have been requested over the years, but haven't gotten around to writing out.  July will be the month where voting will take place for the final Patrick Wayne award in this format, with the winner getting the induction at the end of August, in which the series will conclude.

There will also be some new features to the site.  Raymond Gallant has a new feature to the site in the form of "Memory Card".  Memory card is a look back at the history of the Playstation and various reviews of the games that he personally has in his collection.  These will debut in October and will start up on the second and fourth weeks of the month, to go along with the Game Show Garbage videos.  Also, we have a wrestling feature that we plan on starting in 2015. 

Which brings me to you.  We thank you for your patronage over the past year, whether it was for Tooncrap or for Game Show Garbage, or even for Jim's Dumb Answers of the Week.  Seriously, we wouldn't be here without you.  If you'd like to write for the site, or even do video reviews for the site, contact me with your pitch and I will consider your request to join the site. 

Have any questions about the site? Submit them to us via our Facebook page, our Twitter, and through e-mail. We'll be sure to answer them to the very best of our ability.

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