Tweets by GameShowGumbo

Updated: September 13th, 2023

Become a Patreon backer today! Your pledges help keep the website going as well as helps us with projects such as The Games Of '90, Games O'Canada, The Home Game, Look At The Schedule and Game Show Garbage Inductions as well! All you have to do is go to today to pledge anything from as little as $1 a month to as much as you want! You keep this thing going an we thank you!

It's been a long time since I worked on this. I'm going to be updating various pages with the new color layout and adding new pages and getting rid of old ones. Pages for The Home Game, 26 Weeks or Less and Best, Worst and Blandest will be coming in due time. The inductions page has had a massive update with links to the videos. If I want to do new written ones, that's where they will go as well.

Have any questions about the site? Submit them to us via our Facebook page, our Twitter, and through e-mail. We'll be sure to answer them to the very best of our ability.

(c) 2009-2023 - A CynSide Production.

Help GSG pay some bills!