The Gumbocast - Episode
Text by: Cyndi
Brand new Gumbocast for your downloading pleasure! On this 2 1/2 hour edition we talk about the death of Rip Taylor, Jason Zuffanieri's run coming to an end, GSN's upcoming Get A Clue with Rob Belushi, Nashville Squares gets a debut date w/bonus disappointment via a promo, a Jeopardy filled Q&A segment via the listeners & the long awaited Fall of HQ Induction w/Jessica Brand aiding me. any questions about the site? Submit them to us via our Facebook page, our Twitter, and through e-mail. We'll be sure to answer them to the very best of our ability. Also, support us on Patreon at to get more stuff on the site out quicker.
(c) 2009-2019 - A CQS Production.
(GSG is a JRW Creations website)