The Head Honcho...or lack thereof. Born: August 30th, 1986 Current Residence: Tacoma, Washington Aliases: Sigmafan, Sigma, Dr. Robert Q. Spideyman Education: Associates of Technology Degree in Broadcast Production Technology from Bates Technical College in Tacoma, Washington & currently a junior at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA Hobbies: Game Shows (obviously), Video Games, 80s Music (Gotta Love Huey Lewis & The News), Wrestling, Various Sports, Cooking, among other things that are cool, well at least to me. Inspiration for the site: The inspiration of this site came from a phone conversation with Blade Braxton from WrestleCrap. We were talking about various game shows and he came up with the idea of me doing a website dedicated to the worst in Game Shows, seeing as how I know quite a bit about game shows of the past & present. So, starting in September, I ran with the idea & started up the site. Without his inspiration and giving me the prodding that I needed to do this, this site wouldn't exist. So, I thank him for this. Trading: I have been asked if people wanted to do some trading with me, and now here's your chance. I'm always looking for potential inductions, whether they be from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, what have you. So, here's the link to my collection. Hopefully, you'll see some stuff that'll interest you. If there are any other questions or things you'd like to know, then you can contact me via e-mail at or find me on Facebook right here and on Twitter right here. I hope you enjoy the website.
Jim pictured with Josh Lewis from Spike's "Repo Games". Don't worry, he was never a contestant on the show.
Jim Williams serves as the Dumb Answer of the Week
reporter for Game Show Garbage. Jim also occasionally writes inductions
and produces select videos for GSG's YouTube channel. Additionally, he
serves as GSG's graphic designer and is the man behind the various
GSG-related shirts available through WilliamsWear.
Carl Chenier is the guy who has helped Rob with
some of the technical aspects to make Game Show Garbage what it is
today. He's also responsible for hosting the site on his server and is
the one who was able to get our domain name secured. Away from helping
out, he runs a podcasting network called clw83 along with Jim
Williams and the help of other fellow podcasters.
WENCES ACOSTA (Bio coming soon) KYLE JOYNER (Bio coming soon) RAYMOND GALLANT (Bio coming soon) |